When Superstorm Sandy ranged through the East coast last week, humans were not the only ones impacted. Floodwaters from the storm also took NYU's lab animals down with it.
The facility was prepared for a once-in-a-century storm surge, able to withstand a flood 20 percent larger than anything seen in the last century, but Sandy turned out to be a once-in-200-years storm, devastating the colonies, Nature News reports:
... its basement, housing about 10,000 mice and rats, is almost 10 meters below water level. The flood waters had surged into that building so forcefully that animal-care workers had to evacuate. The mutant and transgenic mice housed in quarantine there were left to their fates....
A leak also spilled diesel inside the animal facility, and all the mice there drowned or died from inhaling diesel fumes. Neurobiologist Gordon Fishell lost about 2,500 mice representing 40 genetic variants, which he had developed for studies of forebrain development over more than a decade.
These aren't your average mice, and it could take decades to recreate the specially engineered lines and rebuild the experiments that researchers were running. Many may have a tough time getting funding to start their experiments from scratch, The Washington Post says.
This isn't the first time that a natural disaster has decimated research animal populations. In 2001 Tropical Storm Allison devastated the Texas Medical Centers and Baylor College of Medicine's animal facilities, killing thousands of mice, rats, monkeys and other research subjects. When Katrina hit New Orleans in 2005, Tulane and Louisiana State University also lost their animal facilities.
Other samples were destroyed by power failures to freezers, fridges and incubators of up to 50 research labs. This Nature story has much more on the disaster at Langone.
SEE ALSO: 10 Ways To Keep NYC Above Water >